Your wishes for the UserCentriCities community Introduction With this form, we’re tying to get a comprehensive overview of what members of our UserCentriCities community are looking to get out of the community and its activities. Your input helps us to create quality content and organize activities with substance, fitting with the wishes of our members. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form! It will only take a few minutes.What are your challenges in designing user centric governement services?How can the community help you address those challenges?Which topic(s) and/or organization(s) would you like to see in a UCC Café?Previous UCC Cafés for instance had hosts from various municipalities in Europe, like Barcelona, Ghent, Rotterdam, and Tallin. Topics varied from the single digital gateway, to smart cities, and user testing (to name a few).Do you have suggestions for speakers/organizations to address these topics?Would you like to contribute to the UCC community, for instance as a speaker during a UCC Café?Is there anything else you would like to share with us?Can we contact you about your answers? Yes No On what email address can we reach you? PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ